Rescuing meticulous artisan work: Accessories by Andres Gallardo
“Our selected run productions and unique pieces series are handcrafted in collaboration with Spanish and Portuguese artisans, recovering traditional production methods to combine fine materials with contemporary aesthetics through an artisanal process based on high quality standards. As this decorative style has become unpopular the women sculptors and workshops are diminishing in quantity. We take pride in rescuing such a delicate and meticulous artisanal process.”
I first saw Andres Gallardo designs in a fashion magazine. I loved the ABC Series and decided to buy one for myself. Since I was visiting Madrid, I went to the workshop/studio to get my necklace. Over there I found much more beyond the ABC necklaces and, what’s more important, I got a chance to speak directly to the people involved in this brand design and production.
I love the way in which sustainability together with a conscious approach is embedded in these designs. Not only are they just beautiful, they actually give a contemporary look to traditional materials like ceramics and leather.
What truly stands out here, in my opinion, is the celebration of artisan production: the making of which involves local artisans and their traditional techniques and skills. This gives a unique quality and sustainability to their pieces.
I personally identified with the way their designs and business emerged, as I often have a similar approach when it comes to using (rescuing) what is available to give it a new life. In the resources below, I’ve included the video that tells how this brand design started out and how it came to be the production that they are today.
images found at Andres Gallardo official web site and Google Image Search
Here are the links to two videos where the founders of Andres Gallardo speak about the birth of their brand, their philosophy and their work process.